Thursday, September 30, 2010

“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” -Bill Shankly

I went to the football game on September 23rd and had so much fun! My friends and I met up in my room and got our Southern Connecticut State University attire on and decided to paint our face. My roommate, Tori, painted half her face blue and the other half white and had glitter lines under her eyes; while my friend, Rachel, and I just put the glitter lines under our eyes. We took pictures before the game and played music to get us pumped!

When we got to the game we met up with a few of our friends and had some fried dough and french-fries they were giving away to the students. That was awesome that the school gave us free food just for coming to support our team.
We finally made our way to the bleachers and got a list of cheers that were going to be said throughout the game. The funniest part is that the students cheering overpowered the actually cheerleaders cheering, which gave us even more amp to cheer louder. During the game they threw free t-shirts into the crowd and some of my friends and I caught them, we were super excited. And after every touchdown we made the cheerleaders threw little plastic footballs into the stands and my friend Rachel caught one without even noticing.

During the game we all cheered and had such a fun time. I am not into sports and do not understand football one bit, but being at the game was so much fun, the energy in the crowd was tremendous! I will definitely be going to every football game.

Friday, September 24, 2010

"The influence of blogging is overall a very positive force in the media." -Garrett M. Graff

I love to dance so I automatically searched for a blog about dancing. My favorite dance style is tap dancing so I found this professional blog, Terrance “Taps”. This blog is all about tap dancing; he has information on different tap conventions, merchandise, shows, new tap steps, and his experience at different tap events. In each of his blog posts he has links, pictures, and some videos on different tap information. His purpose for this blog is to inform the reader about new tap experiences that are going on and how to improve you as a tapper. His blog interested be because I have been tap dancing since I was two years old, and cannot stop moving my feet wherever I am. In his blog there are links to websites where I can find new tap moves and ways to improve my tap skills. It is a good blog to read if you are interested in tap dancing.

I am fascinated with tattoos, I have two myself, I think they are very neat. So I found this one blog that is all about tattoos, “TattooBlog”. In every post there is a picture of a tattoo that someone got and either the story behind the tattoo or what he thought about the tattoo. In a few posts there are videos, one of a male getting a tattoo of glasses over his eyes. Some of the tattoos are ridiculous and silly but others are very meaningful and beautiful. The way the blogger writes is very easy to read and comes off very friendly. Anyone interested in tattoos would enjoy this blog, I started reading and seeing all the different styles of tattoos and was captivated in every post. 

"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely." -Rodin

DetailsIn one of my posts from two weeks I talked about not coming to terms with being in college and being about to manage my time correctly. We have now been in classes for four weeks now and I have finally realized that I am here to stay and have to work hard. I have finally set up times for me to do my work and times for me to socialize with my friends. I have a planner that I use to write down my homework, when tests and quizzes are due, and even the special events that happen on campus. This helps me know when I should be doing my work so I do not have to miss any activities because I forgot about something that was due the next day. Schoolwork comes first so when I am done with classes for the day I look in my planner and see what I have due for the following day. I get everything that needs to be done all completed, and then right before I go to bed I look over what I did for that class and see if I forgot to do anything. If I have reading to do I save that for the night, not only does it help me relax to fall asleep faster but studies have shown that you can retain information better if you read before you go to bed. I usually high light while I read to keep me from falling asleep and so I can take a quick look back at the important facts this helps me prepare for my class the next day I am well prepared for the discussion. My method helps me get organized for my next day of classes. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

“Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day.” -Unknown

Outcasts United by Warren St. John is a story that demonstrates diversity and courage. A group of refugees come together and form a soccer team and with their coach they succeed in reforming a community and creating a variety of interests. I can relate to this story because coming to Southern Connecticut State University there is so much diversity. In Watertown, there is not much diversity and in my high school everyone was somewhat similar. Most people in Watertown are catholic and share common beliefs. But now coming to Southern is a whole new experience. Everyone has different interests, customs, beliefs, and traditions so there is a lot of variety on campus. It is a great way to open my mind to new ideas and opinions. I love being in a place where everything is welcome. In the novel there were those who did not support the team and was not in good terms with having diversity in their community. That is similar to today because there are still people in this world that are still racist and sexist which makes it harder for there to be diversity. It takes a lot of courage for someone to stand up to discrimination. So for a woman, Luma, to organize a soccer team and help make a community diverse is a tremendous success. There needs to be more people like Luma, to stand up for what they believe in and help each community become more diverse. Diversity is a great thing because you can learn so much from people who are different than you and see how it is to walk in other people’s shoes. 

"They who dance Find infinite golden floors Beneath their feet." - Marjorie Allen Seiffert

This week has been the best week so far during my time here. On Wednesday I attended the club fair and saw all the different activities that are offered here at Southern. My first reaction was amazement; when I first walked to the club fair I could not believe how many clubs there were available. I knew that there would be something there that would catch my attention. The first thing that I signed up for was a dance team, SPDC. I have been dancing all my life and help my sister with her dance studio, so now that I am off at college I miss dancing almost everyday. So that is why I was ecstatic when I saw this club. They had auditions that night that I attended, and I hope that I will make the team because I had so much fun! Everyone there seemed so welcoming and nice. I enjoyed being there because everyone surrounding me loved dance, and that made me feel comfortable. Dance has always been a thing I do when I start feeling crazy emotions, whether I am stressed, sad, angry, or even excited. I use dance as a way to free my mind from these feelings and express myself through dancing how I am feeling. I am excited to get involved in this club!

Another club that sparked my interest was the Habitat for Humanity. I think this will be a great way to help people less fortunate. I am very lucky to have such a giving family and am fortunate that they have provided me with so many luxuries throughout my life. I think that everyone should be able to experience the same type of giving that I was exposed to. By joining this club I will be able to help build homes for those who do not have homes. I love getting the feeling of accomplishment when I help others out. I am excited to attend the first meeting and seeing how I can help!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

“Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.” Bernice Johnson Reagon

College comes with a lot of responsibility. It is the first time that I have been away from home, and have to rely on myself to get things done and be productive, because there is no one here telling me what I should be doing or how to use my time wisely. That is the biggest challenge that I have faced while being her at Southern. In high school I had a set routine: wake up, go to school, get home, do my homework, eat dinner, finish my homework, and finally go to bed. This year it is different because everyday I need to have a different schedule, which I haven’t figured out yet. To be honest, it really has not hit me yet that I am in college! I know that once I finally realize that there is work to be done, I will get on a set schedule.
One thing I could learn from this is that I need to become more organized. At home I am a very messy person, but when it comes to school I am usually very organized, so it is very weird that I am not getting organized now. It is important to get organized so I will be in a good environment to create excellent study habits. I know I will be able to get organized once I get into the swing of things. I have been reading online how to become more organized thinking that by reading these articles it will click that I am here to stay and need to prepare for each day of class days before and not the night before. When I rush to do things, I do not put in a hundred and ten percent, when I know I could. But I need some help, what are some ways that you stay organized?

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. ~Albert Einstein

Today’s class discussion revolved mostly around technology. We are completely surrounded by it wherever we go, whether you are using your cell phone, listening to your ipod, or updating your facebook status. I am even using technology right now by writing on this blog! Everything we do in society now is based on technology. Many of the articles say technology is “frying our brains”, but then why do we rely on it so much?

For me it’s easy to answer this question; I believe that technology is helping advance our society as a whole. We have learned so much thanks to technology, we are open to so many resources that are now available online. The best thing is that everything can be easily accessed either on your computer, your phone, or even your ipod!

Although technology has been advancing our society, it also has its downfalls. Technology has made everyone more impatient because we are able to retain information so quickly at anytime. The simplest tasks like, waiting in a grocery line or even going to the grocery store, seem to be such a hassle and take a long time now.

The typical picture that comes to mind when you think of the future is a bunch of flying cars, robots, and holograms. All of these things are because of technology; it has helped us so much as a society. If you think back thirty years without cell phones and when computers weren’t popular, it seems unthinkable how people could live that way. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

College is the best time of your life!

When I first think of college, I automatically think of the school aspect; learning new subjects and deciding what field i want to further my knowledge in and gain a career in. However, college is a lot more than that. The full college experience is not just to further your education, but to open your mind to new ideas and expose your self to new people. While this occurs you will learn things about others and yourself.

Going to college will accomplish a plethora of opportunities for your self. You will be able to have the ability to manage your time carefully, become more independent, and to get a career that will keep you financially and mentally stable. Being able to create your own schedule gives you the power to spend your time the way you want to spend it; this will allow you to manage your time to what fits your interests. Personally, I like to be able to sleep in, have my classes a little spread out, and to have my nights free; when I signed up for classes I kept all these factors in mind and realized that I had to give myself time for homework, projects, or any other activities that I would partake in this semester. By doing all this I have become more independent. I don't have anyone holding my hand telling me that I have class or need to do my work. I will be responsible for my own actions and receive any consequences  I deserve. This will all pay off when I graduate and will be able to pursue a career that interests me and will make me happy in years to follow.

Academically, college will give me the right resources that will allow me to go out into the world and create a life for myself. I will be able to have the knowledge of many different subjects that I will use in everyday life. Socially, college will let me experience how it is to meet new people and make the right judgment when meeting them. I will also have the ability to know how to make a good impression on people when it is needed. Personally, college will make me more independent and responsible all together. I will be able to live on my own and provide for myself, which is a great feeling to know I will gain that ability just by going to college.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known." Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters, 1999 US writer (1962 - )

I like to think of myself as an optimistic person. I try to create as much positive energy as I can when I am with others. By being an energetic person, I believe will give off a good impression on people, and will make others try and have a positive outlook while they are around you. I would like to have an effect on at lease one person that would be the greatest accomplishment I have made.


Another thing that that describes me is how I am very family oriented. I love to be around my family and I enjoy sharing my experiences with them. They are all so supportive of me and help me through times of trouble and hardship. It relates to me as a person because by having such a close-knit family I am more susceptible to getting to know people and letting them in.

One of the greatest feelings I will ever receive is after I help someone. Wherever I am I try and carry out at least one act of kindness, from as simple as opening a door for someone to helping someone who is struggling with something they are doing. By doing this it helps me appreciate the little things you can do to turn someone's day around and put a smile on their face.


At times I can also be very stubborn and hard headed. When I think something is right I will stick to what I believe, although it may be wrong. At times it could be a good trait, because when I have made up my mind it is very hard to change it. I am not easily persuaded nor pressured into things that I do not want to do. While that is a positive way to look at this characteristic, it is also negative, because I have a hard time accepting I am wrong.

One negative quality that I have is that I am always worried. I get worried about the simplest things that go on in my life. The thing I get the most worried about is disappointing people. When people ask for a favor I have a hard time saying no to them. As I said I like to help people but some times I help too many people at once and do not have time for myself. It is one of my downfalls, but makes me the generous person that I am.