Friday, September 24, 2010

"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely." -Rodin

DetailsIn one of my posts from two weeks I talked about not coming to terms with being in college and being about to manage my time correctly. We have now been in classes for four weeks now and I have finally realized that I am here to stay and have to work hard. I have finally set up times for me to do my work and times for me to socialize with my friends. I have a planner that I use to write down my homework, when tests and quizzes are due, and even the special events that happen on campus. This helps me know when I should be doing my work so I do not have to miss any activities because I forgot about something that was due the next day. Schoolwork comes first so when I am done with classes for the day I look in my planner and see what I have due for the following day. I get everything that needs to be done all completed, and then right before I go to bed I look over what I did for that class and see if I forgot to do anything. If I have reading to do I save that for the night, not only does it help me relax to fall asleep faster but studies have shown that you can retain information better if you read before you go to bed. I usually high light while I read to keep me from falling asleep and so I can take a quick look back at the important facts this helps me prepare for my class the next day I am well prepared for the discussion. My method helps me get organized for my next day of classes. 

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