Friday, November 12, 2010

“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” James Dean

In my Psychology class, I fell intellectually stimulated. Each class we talk about ourselves. The professor wants us to learn about each of us rather than what the book has to say about us.
One week’s class was very interesting to me. It gave me a lot of ideas that I have never thought about before. In the beginning of class when Professor Fontaine told us we were going to meet someone very important, I was excited to see who the guest would be. I was wondering why they were so special to him and what they would talk about or if they would touch me in some way. When he had us first close our eyes and relax I thought he was going to hypnotize us, but he just introduced us to the special person, ourselves. After he told us the person we were going to meet today was ourselves, I didn’t have any reaction. I wasn’t disappointed that I there wasn’t an actual person coming into our class, but I wasn’t excited that I got to meet myself. I think this means that I know a little bit about myself and I am okay with the person that I am now, but I am still trying to find a little part of me that has not yet been revealed. I liked this exercise it made me relax and feel comfortable being with myself. My reaction was completely different from that on the first day of class when Professor Fontaine had us just sit in silence not knowing what was going on.
Another interesting thing we talked about in class what that even though we plan for the future, the future is really the presence. This is interesting to me because in my inquiry class I am doing a project on self-discipline. For this project I need to interview different people and one of the questions I am asking is, ‘Are you living in the moment or are you working hard now for your future?’ I was a little skeptical on asking this question after we had our class because I learned that what each person is doing now is leading them to their “future” but in reality there is never really a future, only a presence. I decided to keep the question because most people do not realize that statement and would not understand without taking this class.

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