Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Now that, that don't kill me, will only make me stronger" -Kanye West

This semester has gone by so quickly, and I cannot believe that my first year of being in college is almost over. When I look back on this semester I have had some successes and failures. I think each are expected my first semester of college. This was a new place for me and I needed to learn for myself and test out different things each step of the way.

Some failures or weaknesses that I had this semester were that I did not have good time management and study habits. My first exam in my biology class I did not do very well in. this was because I thought I knew all the information and did not need to study before my exam. This is the same problem I had in my psychology class and my western civilization class. I would not review my notes or read through the selected chapters before the exams because I thought that everything that was going to be on the test were basic knowledge. It caused me to do poorly on a few exams. I do not have a lot of self -discipline. So I would rather hang out with my friends than get my work done. This is also a weakness because I need to learn that my schoolwork needs to come before my social life.
Despite my few failures and weaknesses, I have had plenty of successes this semester. I have never been good in writing and never really enjoyed it, but in my English class this semester, I did excellent on all my papers and did not mind writing any of them. This is definitely a success because it gave be a more positive attitude towards writing. I now know that if I am writing about something I am interested in I will have a pleasurable time writing about it. Another success that I had this semester is that in Inquiry class, I really impressed myself with the videos I created. I have never used imovie before I was nervous at first because of my inexperience with it. However, my end result for both of the videos I made were definitely a success. I had fun making each video and am happy to now have this new skill of using imovie. 

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